

Presentations at the University in Aalen

Prepared during my time at the University of Applied Sciences you can find some interesting presentations. Only one of them is in english yet, therefore i use the german page for the english version as well. Some other english presentations will join the one about Process Costing Systems very soon, in the second last semester we will have some english topics to prepare, for example about international business and about SAP ...

The reports have been written in different languages and are displayed in the language they have been originally created in, which means, not all of them are written in english.

Silicon Valley

Florida - the Sunshine State (Semesterarbeit Interkulturelle Kommunikation im fünften Semester)

Process Costing Systems (Semesterarbeit im Fach Englisch im fünften Semester)

Der EURO kommt - die Konvergenzkriterien (Referat in Internationaler VWL im fünften Semester)

Controlling in der Region Ostwürttemberg (Zeitungsartikel und Projekt in Medien und Kommunikation, fünftes Semester)

Konfuzianismus(Referat in interkulturelle Kommunikation im vierten Semester)

Einfluß des Konfuzianismus auf zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und Kommunikation in Südostasien(im zweiten Semester)